Every media item on AdmiralCloud is a mediaContainer. All collections (private or group collection) as well as publicareas (press area, mediahub) are mediaContainers as well.
Availability of mediacontainers for external publishing
There are a lot of parameters that define it a mediacontainer is available for external pages (such as weblinks, projects/public areas, mediahubs etc).
- Flag -> only mediacontainers with flag 0 are available for external links
- start and end date -> if start and/or end date are set, they determine the available time range
- settings for embedLinkNotAllowed, publicAreaNotAllowed, downloadNotAllowed, downloadOriginalNotAllowed
Deleting mediacontainers
MediaContainers are usually put in trash when a user deletes it. Exceptions are dropsites, downloadlinks, pinboard, collections and miscellaneous media type like avatar, watermark, contactPictures or welcomeBackgrounds.
MediaContainers with media content
If a mediaContainer of type video, audio, image or document is put into trash all connection to publicareas and other mediacontainers are immediately removed. All other data related to the mediacontainer (e.g. chapters, subtitles, etc) remain intact and can be restored.
Embedlinks remain also intact but are deactivated. They are automatically restored if a mediaContainer is restored from trash.
modelCounts for this mediaContainer will reflect the changes, so embedlinks will be shown as 0. modelCounts for tags the mediaContainer uses will also reflect the change, although the relation itself remains intact.
MediaContainers of type publicarea
For mediaContainers which are publicareas the deletion will update all related mediacontainer documents, but the relation itself (between publicarea and mediacontainer) remains intact. This way, restoring a mediaContainer of type publicarea will also bring back all mediacontainer relations.
Find MediaContainer
Find a specific mediacontainer (by id). The mediacontainer is returned including additional fields like controlGroups, tags, etc. If a public area is requested formats and mediacontainers are additionally returned in the result
Create MediaContainer
Creates a new mediacontainer (a new video, image, public area). The mediacontainer is related to all controlgroups of the user that are sent with the request.
Important notes:
- If no controlgroups are sent, then first user.individualConfiguration.preferredControlGroup is checked. If there’s no setting, the user’s first group is used.
- The user can have a individual configuration to prevent linking the new mediacontainer to all controlgroups. For example someone from the admin group does not want to have his
- uploaded videos added to the admin group, as they will spread into every child group, making the video globally available!
If you want to create additionalMedia (like logos or watermarks) make sure to set the appropriate flag. See below for details.
Update MediaContainer
Updates an existing mediacontainer with formats (for public areas), tags and controlgroups.
Destroy MediaContainer
Puts a mediacontainer into trash bin. With that, all related models (e.g. licenses) are deleted. Only exception is embedlinks – they are also put in trash. Also metadata of the mediaContainer remains intact.
All mediacontainers in trash bin can be displayed using Search Controller with flag 1. Items in trash can be recovered including embedlinks.
All relations with embedlinks, downloadlinks, publicareas or channels will stop deleting the mediacontainer unless you send “forceDelete”.
Items can be finally delete from trash if you send “forceDeleteMediaContainer”. Keep in mind that EVERYTHING (including all media files) is immediately deleted (without retention). In order to send forceDeleteMediaContainer the user requires a specific permission. See User Controller for details.
If a mediacontainer gets deleted during an upload (before the media is probed) it will be immediately deleted
- Customer can set an securityConfiguration parameter to require a reason for deleting (deleteMediaContainerDescription = true)
BatchUpdate MediaContainer
Batch updates existing mediacontainers with tags, controlgroupIds, audioLanguage etc. You can also use batchUpdate to update flag (move to trash, restore from trash) of mediacontainers, make the favorite and many more operation.
- If you sent parameter delete then the mediacontainers are marked deleted if they are not related with players, etc. Send “forceDelete” to ignore those warnings.
- Returns a jobId which can be used to fetch the result after activity’s progress is 100%.
- You can either send a list of ids or a search query (search term or query) which selects the ids in the background.
- If there are multiple batch updates for the same mediaContainerId, then this MC will be job result’s conflict array.
- Not all batchOperations are available for all mediaContainer types.
- Make sure to put all update parameters into an enclosing object named “updatedParams”!
Field | Allowed types | Max Ids | Notes |
audioLanguage | video | unlimited | |
channel | video, audio, image, document | unlimited | |
contacts | all | unlimited | |
controlGroupIds | all | unlimited | |
favorites | all | unlimited | |
flag | video, audio, image, document | unlimited | |
license | video, audio, image, document | unlimited | |
publicArea | video, audio, image, document | 250 | |
relation | video, audio, image, document | 250 | |
settings | all | unlimited | |
tags | all | unlimited | |
sync | all | 250 | BETA |
FindBatch MediaContainer
We recommend to use search instead.
Returns an array of mediacontainer objects including controlGroups. If you send ids then all filters are ignored!
Make sure to send a maximum of 250 ids per request. Use skip and limit for longer lists. If you send more than 250 ids, they will be truncated and and a warning is sent in the X-AdmiralCloud-Warning Header.
FindRelations for MediaContainer
We recommend to use search instead.
Find all relations for a given mediacontainer – press areas and mediahubs (incl channels).
PROTIP: If you want to know if this mediacontainer is related to a dropsite (aka uploaded via Dropsite) use the origin information from the mediacontainer itself.
FindContacts for MediaContainer
We recommend to use search instead.
Find all contacts for a given mediacontainer
Merge MediaContainers
Merges two mediacontainers (e.g. JPEG and RAW) and all their data to one mediacontainer. This mediacontainer then contains both original files.
Validate MediaContainers
Validates a mediaContainer against given requirements
Check MediaContainers
No documentation is yet available.
Data Model
Field | Type | Description |
id | Integer | Id of the mediaContainer |
type | String | Type of the mediaContainer |
subtype | String | Sub type of the mediaContainer |
origin | String | A string representing the origin of this mediaContainer |
audioLanguage Deprecated | String | ATTN: DEPRECATED – contact AC Team[badge] |
flag | Integer | Status flag of the mediaContainer |
settings | Object | Object with misc settings |
eventHistory | String | A string/text with information on important changes of this mediaContainer |
notes | String | A string with custom notes |
deletedBy | Integer | Id of the user who deleted this mediaContainer |
deletedAt | Integer | Unix timestamp of the deletion date |
markedForDeletion | Integer | Unix timestamp of a planned deletion |
markedForDeletionBy | Integer | Id of the user who planned the deletion |
uploader Experimental | String | Name of a dropsite uploader. |
released | Integer | Unix timestamp of the release date |
releasedFlag | Integer | Status flag of the release |
releasedBy | Integer | Id of the user who released the mediaContainer |
lastEditorId | Integer | Id of the user who did the latest update |
lastEditedModel | String | A list of models that were affected during the lat update process |
lastEditedFields | JSON | A json object that contains the fields from the latest update. |
customerId | Integer | The id of the customer this mediaContainer belongs to |
creatorId | Integer | Id of the user who created this mediaContainer. |
migrated | String | Identifier for migration |