PlayerConfiguration control the way media is delivered. And even though images or documents do not use a player (literally), playerconfiguration controller also handles embedlinks for images and documents.
PlayerConfigurations control which formats are delivered, if they are downloadable or if you want to use security measures to protect your embedlinks.
Find playerConfigurations
Find playerconfigurations for the current customer including the number of embedlinks for this player.
// Success Example
"id": 1,
"name": "VideoJS V1.0 AC Version",
"templateId": 1,
"width": 640,
"height": 360,
"autoGenerate": true,
"settings": {},
"formats": [{
"playerConfigurationId": 147,
"formatId": 1,
"downloadable": false
"playerConfigurationId": 147,
"formatId": 10,
"downloadable": true
"countEmbeds": 13
}, {...}
Creates a new playerconfiguration. You can define different formats for each player configuration, as well as if those formats can be downloaded
Create playerConfigurations
A simple video player
// POST /v5/playerconfiguration
"name":"My Player 01",
Player with restrictions
"name":"Player with restrictions",
Update playerConfigurations
Update the playerconfiguration and also the associated formats.
Please make sure that all formats are always sent with this call. All formats not in the payload will be removed from the playerconfiguration without warning!
Destroy playerConfigurations
Destroys a player configuration. If there are embedlinks connected to this configuration the API will respond with an error.
* You can then resend the request with the parameter move which defines if the playerConfiguration and all embedlinks should be deleted (move = -1)
* or move the players to the new configuration
* ATTENTION. If you sent move = -1 all embedlinks with this playerConfiguration are deleted (flagged as deleted) and no longer available!